Listen Up! 🎧 New "Listening" automatic status

Statuses (Available, Away, Busy) have been available for over a week now, serving as a convenient way to convey your status to your users or fellow chatters.

Today, we’re improving them by adding our first automatic status: Listening.

Listening will automatically apply when users are tuned in to the chatroom radio image, assuming your chatroom is on a paid tier & assuming the user is not already Away or Busy. The headphones icon will only appear if the user in question does not have a custom rank shape set.

You can use this to identify listeners, or encourage others to tune in if they haven’t yet — some good-natured peer pressuring :wink: . This should incentivize users to listen as much as possible.



Even though I like the idea, I think there is a bug… The players in both mine and my partner Golden Grooves Radio’s chats are now not working. We both have external players anyway, so not a big problem, but I find it strange and after a lot of troubleshooting, related to that new option. I like the new Status options, but maybe this particular one instead could kick in when a chatter goes idle after a while…? Just a thought and an update. :)

Hmm that’s concerning, the radio player in the chat is just a standard HTML5 audio tag, and we didn’t change anything related to how that renders with this update.

I tried both of your chats and the songs played, here’s a video I recorded with the audio:

You are clicking Play Radio after clicking the Music icon, correct? And no sound plays?

That is very strange, hmm… Yes, I do press Play Radio. Then the problem must be at my end somehow… I will ask the others later on if they have the same problem, thank you billions for testing :) Have a great weekend! :heart:

It seems it wasn’t working on Chrome since the radio streams were HTTP (not HTTPS) which Chrome blocks: Handling “non-secure” radio streams – Minnit Blog

However both websites have an HTTPS stream…

I updated your chats to use the HTTPS stream and it seems to work. Please let me know if that helps.

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It does! Thank you so much :)

Would it be possible to apply that to all users, changing the color according to their rank. That would help us identify ghosts and sleepers… and allow us to send them friendly reminders…

Would it be possible to apply that to all users, changing the color according to their rank. That would help us identify ghosts and sleepers… and allow us to send them friendly reminders…

It should! If they don’t have headphones:

  1. They aren’t tuned in using the chat radio (if you have a radio player on your site, that’s likely the reason, as we can’t detect that)

  2. They have another status or rank shape enabled

But this feature applies to everyone. Owners, Visitors, and everything in between.

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