Forums Suggestion

I’ve made this post on the behalf on a few of my friends.

I’m a regular minnit user. In fact, I’m at least on minnit once a day, no matter the occasion. Sometimes I even spend hours on end scrolling the forums and just looking at the posts.

Recently, my friends have made a group chat for ourselves. After a little while, one of my friends brought up the idea of having our own minnit forum to use.

So behold. My suggestion: Allow users to make their own group forums.


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Thanks for the kind words & being a long-term supporter of Minnit!

Our forum isn’t custom-made, we use an open-source service called Discourse that we modified to use Minnit accounts. So if we wanted to also offer the ability for owners to use the forum, in one way or another, it would be far more complicated than just using this existing forum software. We’d effectively need to make our own software from scratch, which is no easy task — this ends up switching it from a suggestion to a new product entirely! :)

We definitely have plans to do more than just chatrooms in the future, but these decisions require lots of research & development ahead of time (as well as a domain that doesn’t end in .chat :slight_smile: ).


something that didnt end in .chat would be cool, and i think if organizations had a forum chatroom (or channel) it could actually help for a group of ppl to have their own forum