Email rejected

Question for the gallery;

Was helping a friend from Algeria to connect on my chat but the system refused his e-mail addy, showing a red ! but no error message. A message might have been helpful in resolving the error; why was none provided. Verified his mail by sending test message and all was fine…

We resolved it by creating a gmail account for him, but I’d still like to know why the outlook one didn’t fly…

This works OK for me when testing (not my actual email, please don’t bother the poor lad who has it)

My guess is that they were on a smaller display, and didn’t see the second box down below, then tried to submit. And sadly the error was even further down, which meant they thought there was no error at all:

To help reduce this from happening, I’ve updated the register page so it now looks like this:

I.e. the error message is now on the top, as well as bold & red. There’s also now only one “Next” button instead of two, to encourage scrolling.

Hopefully this helps…

Yes the new form is a welcome improvement but, out of curiosity, I tried his addy from my own puter and got error message saying that it was already used and to select another one.
A bothersome error that I run into often when helping users repair their account. Which goes back to a bug report I did a long while back.
• Why isn’t the old account fully deleted from the database when owner removes it via his console? Then addy conflict should no longer arise.
• Why isn’t it kosher to have more than 1 user on any given addy. I can see scenarios where a couple working off of a single e-mail might want to have separate Minnit accounts, or even a single user having multiple accounts on a single addy…


We immediately remove emails, profile pictures, and other sensitive information. So if the email says it’s taken, are you sure the account is deleted? I don’t know the email address (I don’t log that) so I can’t check for you. should help, if a user enters their email, it’ll send the username via email and a link to change passwords

Sadly (like most things) it’s not as easy as flipping a switch. Lots of things need to be adjusted or reconsidered to let this happen. And everyone I’ve spoken to about this says that it’s just not done on the web, but it’s worth asking: Why isn’t it? Everything is worth re-evaluating… :thinking: